what breed and rooster or pullet?


8 Years
Jan 30, 2011
Western montana
I got these as eggs and my buff hatched them out, the lady told me she had barred rocks, buff rocks, rir's white rocks and a cochin. im wondering what the white one is, I believe the other is a RIR but the white one baffles me. also is it to early to tell what sex?
also will that white and black bird lay white eggs? thanks

Well the red one isn't a Rhode Island Red, it's a Production Red. RIR's have a deep burnt umber color, PR's have white-ish feathers sometimes.

The white one looks like a light Brahma.
The gal I got the eggs from does not have brahma's ,and she has dark RIR's so this one must be mixed also. she has rode island whites so Im thinking its a mix of the RIR and RIW . could this white chicken be a barred rock and a rode island white?
The white one has cochin in it. It's the only one in the list of breeds you mentioned that has feathered legs. The other parent could very well be a barred rock. That chick will darken quite a bit with age.
The white one has cochin in it. It's the only one in the list of breeds you mentioned that has feathered legs. The other parent could very well be a barred rock. That chick will darken quite a bit with age.
whats funny is that white one was almost black with yellow on the butt and head. now he/she is getting whiter and whiter. also can that red chick be a sex link? rode island red and rode island white?also any chance of telling the sex yet?
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no just the one, I do hope its not all down to the ground when it gets adult size, I never really liked feathered feet and legs. but it does not look like much feathering on the legs so maybe it will not get to feathery.

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