What breed and what should I do


12 Years
Jul 17, 2007
This little guy showed up in my back yard yesterday and we tried to find it's owner. Their are dogs on every side and wondering if I need to trap him so he does not get hurt. We live in city limits and I think it is illegal to own livestock here. I called the our local animal control to see if they could do anything and they said just let it be. Who do you guys suggest I turn to before this little guy get hurt by the dogs nearby.
Its a silver Sebright! Beautiful! Maybe you have a no-kill shelter nearby? Sometimes they make exceptions for a chicken or three, even if other livestock is forbidden. Boy, I'd keep that one!
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Looks like a Silver Sebright to me. Beautiful bird! Do you have a crate or something to keep it safe in? Looks like a hen. Maybe a local feed stoer would know who owns this breed or you could post a sign.
Thanks for the fast response. We live in San Leandro, CA which is in the San Francisco bay area. If anyone nearby would like to have her just let me know. She is real friendly and comes right up to me every time I go outside. She has been on our patio deck for the last two days and has not gone far from it.
Geez, I wish I lived nearby you! She is gorgeous ! I would take her in a heartbeat. I have been looking for silver sebrights and have not had much luck finding any. Feed her and keep her!

Thanks for the fast response. We live in San Leandro, CA which is in the San Francisco bay area. If anyone nearby would like to have her  just let me know. She is real friendly and comes right up to me every time I go outside. She has been on our patio deck for the last two days and has not gone far from it.
im in Pleasantin and could comr on Bart if u still have her.

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