What breed are these babies?


6 Years
Apr 14, 2014
East Texas
I got some new babies at TSC. I got 6 in all. I know the 2 Black Sex Links and a New Hampshire Red. I can't ID these though. I have two like the yellow. The other yellow one has less red on its head. The lady at TSC said she thought they would lay white eggs and they were listed as Red Pullets with a variety of possible breeds. The grayish one was a specific breed but I can't remember which. Maybe a Black Australorp? I am brand new to all this but my kids and I have already fallen in love with these little babies. :yiipchick


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I got some new babies at TSC. I got 6 in all. I know the 2 Black Sex Links and a New Hampshire Red. I can't ID these though. I have two like the yellow. The other yellow one has less red on its head. The lady at TSC said she thought they would lay white eggs and they were listed as Red Pullets with a variety of possible breeds. The grayish one was a specific breed but I can't remember which. Maybe a Black Australorp? I am brand new to all this but my kids and I have already fallen in love with these little babies.


Not an Australorp with that white dot...looks like a Barred Rock or might be a male Black Sex Link...possibly a Cuckoo Marans
This just looks like a Production Red, possibly New Hampshire, possibly a Red Star...doesn't look like a typical white egg layer...White Leghorn would be yellow, so would a White Rock with possibly some grey smudging, and a Brown Leghorn would be a chipmunk. I think you have a brown egg layer of the Red production type.
Lady of McCamley
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Thank you so much!! I am a little sad to learn that 2 of my babies are males. I did google and learn a lot about these breeds. I know what to look for next time. I was going to post another picture of one of my other chicks that I was sure was a female, but sadly our heat lamp went out last night and while 5 of the babies were fine, this little one just didn't make it. It was the most vocal of the bunch and I think it peeped itself to death. Two of these three were my kids special favorites, so there were tears this morning and discussions on the cycle of life and raising animals. So we will be going back to TSC to get three new babies. I hope to use my new found knowledge. And as for the males, we will enjoy them until it is time to donate them to someone's dinner.
A trip back to TSC reminded me of what they had the first pictured chick labeled as. A Blue Wyandotte. If that is true, and from what I have read this might be a pullet yet! The "eye liner" gives me hope. What do you think?
A trip back to TSC reminded me of what they had the first pictured chick labeled as. A Blue Wyandotte. If that is true, and from what I have read this might be a pullet yet! The "eye liner" gives me hope. What do you think?

There's nothing indicating rooster at this point, so there is every hope especially since most chicks are sexed with a 90% success rate unless you purchased from the straight run bin.

That doesn't look like a Blue Wyandotte to me...that head dot means barring. I think it is likely a barred bird not a blue bird....but it could be a blue barred bird.

If it is a Wyandotte, it "should" have a rose comb which will look like a little "horseshoe" on its head oriented so the luck runs down the beak. However, hatchery quality Wyandottes have been known to have single combs.

Here's a photo gallery of Wyandottes including the Blue...you'll note no head dots and slightly different color pattern for the blues.


Hoping you have a pullet whatever it is...time will help with identification for breed and gender.

Lady of McCamley
Hi, I'm really new at this too! Truly how do you tell if they are pullets or not? The guy at TSC was telling me something about their wings but I didn't follow him and I really haven't understood anything I have read about telling the difference.

Also, while I'm asking dumb questions, I wanted to post a picture of my chicks but not sure how to get back to that place on my profile. Do you know how?
Thank you Lady of McCamley!!!

And wrightmom, if you want to put a pictures into a post there is a little picture button that looks like a landscape. By pushing that button I was able to add pictures from my phone. Someone else who has been here awhile might have better advise.

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