what breed are these pullets?


5 Years
Jun 1, 2014
Broken Arrow, ok
I went to a farm and picked up 2 chickens. Im curious as to what breed the black and copper one is and how the BR managed to get the copper in his coloring. Im sure they are, in dog terms, mutts. Just curious :) ty



Mixed, traits from other breeds. Did the farm tell you all the breeds they had there and what breeds were likely in your two?
I'm no expert... wondering if the black has Black Australorp and Golden Laced Wyandotte somewhere in its genes? But, not only....
So many breeds can add so many colors and traits. Combs and egg color will add more hints later, I think?
There are a lot of breeds that resemble BRs at first...
Bottom line is probably "no way to tell" unless the farm gives you some help.
Good luck.
The farmer was a good ol boy who had guinea, turkens, turkeys and a whole lot of chickens. He was able to point out pullets but I never thot to ask about breeds. If I had to guess he probably does know for sure either. Lol. I love my BR so I grabbed another and the black n copper one cuz she was pretty. I figured it was a long shot but I thot id try! Ty for the suggestions :)

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