What breed are these?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
We got our chickens at our market (in France) and they don't tell you the breeds, they just have black chickens, brown chickens, guinea fowl and turkey, etc... I had a look on wikipedia and google and the like and thought they looked most like copper black marans or black copper marans (never sure ;]), but a friend had black rocks and they are similar as well...so not sure now, but if anyone has any ideas what they might be, (see pics) that'd be great!
Also, if need more pics to tell, say cos I have tons!
Hope the pictures work, I forgot how to do it...;]




Nice looking chickens are they suppose to be full stock? They look like they have black giant or black austrolorp in them. I really don't know. But they are pretty!!
Okay, thankyou everyone, that's great! I shall have to change my name now...xD Yeah we get eggs everyday, we've had them for about a year and I think there was only one day when we didn't get any but most days we get four! I'll put a photo of Barbara (;]) on from when she was broody, she looks kinda scary but I was quite pleased with the colours...bootiful girlies...

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