What breed are we?


Apr 14, 2020
Tryon, NC
Hey all! These are rescues I picked up on Monday. Can you help me with the breeds?

My guesses, so far:

Two buff Orpingtons, young (did not take good photo)
Two black Jersey Giants, young also. They are bigger than the Orpingtons with not fully developed crests.
Two enormous red hens with very thick, long, big footed yellow legs.

They are all very quiet and very hand tame.

DISCLAIMER: No, they are not kept in the mess you see in the photos. That's my junk area. Can't mix them with my flock. It was an urgent situation. I'm trying to find their owners or a good home.



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The first photo looks like it has a Buff Orpington hen and Rhode Island Red rooster.
The birds in the second photo are two Black Australorp hens.
The bird in the third photo is a mutt.
The final, fourth photo also has a mutt, with possible RIR in him. If this is the same bird as the bird in the first photo, then that bird is also a mutt.
I'm fairly certain 2 are Australorp hens and 4 is RIR rooster. I'll add to the choir and suggest 3 is A mutt Roo. RIR Austrolorps are found at virtually any farm/livestock store.
The first photo looks like it has a Buff Orpington hen and Rhode Island Red rooster.
The birds in the second photo are two Black Australorp hens.
The bird in the third photo is a mutt.
The final, fourth photo also has a mutt, with possible RIR in him. If this is the same bird as the bird in the first photo, then that bird is also a mutt.

Pic 1- RIR rooster, and a hen that might be a buff Orpington

Pic-2 I think these are white faced black Spanish hens.

Pic-3 Mixed breed rooster

Pic-4 RIR rooster
Thanks but zero crowing. At this size they would be crowing if they were roos.
The orpingtons and austrolorps are very relaxed. Theyre trying to socialize with my flock but for the barrier separating them.

The red roos are less social. One looking pretty raggedy.
I'm fairly certain 2 are Australorp hens and 4 is RIR rooster. I'll add to the choir and suggest 3 is A mutt Roo. RIR Austrolorps are found at virtually any farm/livestock store.
Australorps are known for their dark eyes which both of these lack. Even hatchery birds have this trait. Combined with the potentially white earlobes and different body type, I do not believe these birds are Australorps :) Also, hatchery type RIR are much lighter in build. Broilers are equally common and have coloration and build on par with these birds :) The OP also describes these birds as "enormous" thus confirming my suspicions of them being broilers.

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