What breed at these?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 10, 2013
Alexandria New Hampshire

Ameraucana? Her feet are not dark though so I can't tell. EE?


Clueless on this pretty girl.. any guesses?


Possible Delaware? Starting to get light gold feathers on her chest and gray feathers on wings and back


Thought she was a barred but she's getting red feathers

Ameraucana? Her feet ARE slate.
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An add on Craigslist. The guy said he got them from Wells Hatchery but I can't find anything called Wells Hatchery. We got 17 chicks, random breeds but he said there were ameraucanas and barred rocks. They could be EE's but you never know.
I'm not completely sure on breed, but they look perhaps a little younger than 6 weeks. The black bird is probably a Jersey Giant or Jersey Giant mix, as Australorps or Orpingtons are supposed to have white feet instead of yellow.
An add on Craigslist. The guy said he got them from Wells Hatchery but I can't find anything called Wells Hatchery. We got 17 chicks, random breeds but he said there were ameraucanas and barred rocks. They could be EE's but you never know.

Maybe he meant Welp Hatchery???

Not sure yet on your chicks..... I'm better at it when they're a few weeks older.

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