What breed do you have that is still laying in this cold weather?

My New Hampshire and Barred Rock, and my Spitzhauben. My Spitzhauben laid 2 eggs in one day! But she is the youngest. I totally love her, but she gets her crest feathers wet and has to come inside to dry off when they freeze. She has the polish looking crest. She's my total favorite now and lays medium white eggs. Of course, I also have a heat lamp in the coop they can warm up under.
3 red sex links, 1 easter egger, 1 Amerucana mix. All of them are still laying. They slowed down during our 30 degree snap (it was like three days total) but are now back in action!
Silkies, Ameraucanas, BCM's, BLRW's, Sebastopol geese(they're a tad confused), etc...they're all laying(not as heavily, but still laying!!! Bizarre!!!
I have 2 Red Sex Links and I still get 2 eggs a day, most days! No artificial light either. And, when it was really cold here the past few weeks, my girls were hanging out in the darkened garage all day long.
my White Rock is laying every day, and it has been in the teens. Also, the sun sets at 4:30 and we get no direct sunlight whatsoever, but we have a light in the coop 12 hours a day, on a timer. My Wellie lays every 2 or 3 days, but she's no production breed or anything so i'm fine with that.
My RIRS and BRS and my Americanas all of them are still laying except my silkie who is not old enough yet . I want to start incubate some eggs soon .
Day 0-30. Night -30-0.
2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Black Sex-Links, 2 Red Sex-Links, 1 Unknown all lay 6 out of 7 days.
Easter eggers lay 1 out of 4 days

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