What breed do you have that is still laying in this cold weather?

I have 4 breeds. They are Barred Rock, Golden comet, Rhode Island Red. and Black Australorpe. I get 20-22 eggs daily from 24 pullets of 8 mo age. No artificial light, and Dumor 16% layer feed.
My Buff Orpie girls are laying like champs! This is their first winter and I hear that almost all breeds slow down or take a break some the second winter...but for now we're getting one egg a day per girl! And my girls are just to sweetest things ever! My giant cochin girls are getting close to ready to lay...maybe next month..this will be their first eggs!
Oh we're having sooo much fun!
Blessings, Keri PS. No electric, free range & mix of black oil sunflower seeds & grain/corn scratch and a little oystershells and of course kitchen leftovers! al'natur'al!!!
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I have 9 Roade Island reds and they are still laying 7-8 eggs a day. I been stepping up their food intake making them hot cereals daily in attempts to keep them warm:)
NONE OF MINE are laying. I have l welsummers left, the other a hawk got, and the rir 3 of them, have not started yet, they are now 9 months old. Help, suggestions
I just got my first egg 1/13 and it was either from my black australorp or golden laced wyandotte. Today we got another egg so one of those two breeds is good in winter.
all my girls are laying (see the list below)! even millie who is almost seven this year...

edited to add that temps are hovering around 40 day and 27 at night, coop is heated at 62
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