what breed do you own??

I own
Old English Game Chickens Of all colors
Old English Game Bantems
Silkes Bantems
Turkeys Hatching now
and chicks hatching
I have the following:
Black Orp bantams
Blue Orp bantams
Splash Orp bantams
Buff Orp bantams
White Silkies
Black Silkies
Blue Silkies
Dominique bantams
Lemon Blue OEG bantams
White Call ducks
Gray Call ducks
Wood ducks
Mandarin ducks
Coming in the near future:
St. Black Orps
St. Blue Orps
St. Buff Orps
1 of each....
white Legorn

and 3 black bearded silkies
wowww. a lot of chickens.

i have a question for all of you ppl...
how do you hae time for all these chickens??
i only have six sooo yaa
lol i only have 8....and we may end up with less if some of the 4 babies turn out to be roos...
I have
2 RIR, Rhodie & Red
1 BR, Bok Bok
1 EE, Poof Face
1 silkie I rescued during a storm, Cotton
1 game hen that moved in with us, Tree Chick

Just the thread to feed my procrastination state:

We have a big group of buff silkies, who reside in their own little piece of free range heaven & get locked up safely each night. They're probably my favs.

A big walk in coop & connected run filled with primarily hatchery stock: - a RIR, a Dominique, a Welsummer, a golden phoenix, a Golden Campine, 2 Easter Eggers, an Ameracauna, a D'uccles, and several 5 month old silkie chicks that will be separated by color once they start laying. The Ameracauna and the Welsummer are from breeders, but we love the other girls just as much and, to me, they're equally beautiful.
These girls also free range for a good portion of each day.

Partridge silkies in a large tractor - a total of 4 with 5 more chicks to join them soon. We will likely need to turn this into a tractor with additional run space.

Blue/Splash silkes - approximately 8 in their own quarters.

White Silkies - 4 adults with 6 more chicks to join them soon. These are also in a separate tractor.

3 bantam cochins - a splash & a pair of blacks.

3 black mottled D'uccles - extremely beautiful & sweet trio. 2 more hatched chicks from a great breeder to join them eventually.

A pair of beautiful BLRW.

Approximately 4 Blue Wheaton Ameraucana chicks that were hatched by a good friend with a great incubator. They'll join us whenever I can find my way to San Jose.

A giant black Cochin who rules the roost & hangs in our front yard all day everyday.

AND the following in my Brower brooder: 9 lavender sSlkie chicks (from Ideal), 9 BLRW (from McMurray), 2 BLRW bantams (from Ideal), 3 Silver laced Wyondettes, a giant buff Cochin, 2 Milles, and a few others that I'm blanking on.

We also have a dedicated rooster pen that is housing a buff silkie with a single comb (we love him; in fact, took him back from someone who we gave him too initially, but obviously cannot breed with him), a beautiful Welsummer boy, a nice Splash Ameraucanas, a nice black silkie rooster (not quite breeder quality but too cute to give away), and a RI red roo.

It's bliss around here, especially now that the weather is so nice.


Edited to fix typos & 2 procrastinate some more...
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In the coops I have...
Silkies (in blue, gray, white and splash)
La Fleche
Long tail mixes
An Australorp

In the brooder I have...
La Fleche
Silkies (gray)
Buff standard and bantam cochins
Pretty sure that's everyone

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