what breed do you think????


11 Years
May 20, 2008
sunshine coast, BC canada

ok i looked and looked andlooked for pics of chicks to see if i could find this littel guy. but alas to no avail!
does any one have a clue as to what she/he could be?

the one on the left, the one on the right might not make it.. not doing so great.. though they both may be of the same breed.
I am new to chickens and don't really know my breeds but the one on the left looks A LOT like the chick I bought labeled Americauna (though I now think it is an Easter Egger)...

Curious to see what the experts here think!

The one that is doing poorly - his toes looked curly. Try making him a cardboard boot to straighten the toes out and tape them in place with bandaids. Also try to give him 3 drops of polyvisol (baby vitamins) every day for a week. It might perk him up and bring him around.
so sad the one darker chick died over the weekend..burried him under my banana tree,,,,,
and the other isn't doing so hot. i did the booties and his toes aren't curled anymore but his wrist(ankle) turns under so he still walks on his hocks.. and his breathing sounds bubbly... giving him the vitamins and he eats and drinks, just not very strong leg wise.. the other four i have are of a different breed and are thriving!
yes i think you are right.. the teacher said american standard.. but i think he ment americana... being the EE's you guys are talking about... going to find out if were he got them from are willing to sell me two more chicks. heathy ones!

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