What breed is Anna? Lays green eggs.

Comb would be v. And extra toe for sultans
and more Pom Pom head
they a lot more upright as a breed sultans.

I have a egg in out my friends yard. It was under a pen it's fertile so that will be fun lol hope it hatches.

The pen was sultan I'm hoping the rats dragged it out and left it lol
After significant research there's no evidence they have Silkie blood and there are silkied feathers spontaneously in other breeds, such as Cochins and Ayam Cemani. I have several and there aren't any signs AT ALL of them being of Silkie blood, such as hypermelanotic coloring, sprigs, bearding, cresting, etc.

Fancy Feathers, where did you get yours? Is she white? Does she have yellow pads on her feet or white? She's lovely!

I got Anna from a breeder that helps me out alot with my chickens. I'm in Australia by the way.
Yes, Anna is completely white and her feet are completely white as well, no yellow pads.
She is a very friendly little hen and has a very dominant character towards the other hens.
Here's some more pics of her.

And some when she was younger

If I bred from her will the chicks have Silkie feathers?
Thanks for all your help everyone.
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Australia!! Wow. That just throws another piece of fuel on the fire of the argument that this is a spontaneous mutation.

I HIGHLY encourage you to find a purebred Ameraucana male (God knows whether they are called that where you are!?) and breed her. You'll want to breed all the male offspring back to her and female offspring to the brothers. The NEXT generation will have those silkied feathers, but the first generation will not. It's a gene that has to be pure, and the first generation from her will only be split.

They may be called Easter Eggers or Araucana in your region. I'm not sure.
Some one said she might be an auraucana, she is not: araucanas have no tail feathers if purebred. A better guess would be some sort of cross involving either an easter egger or an ameraucana and another breed. The EE or ameraucana would give the greenish blue egg trait and if the other breed was a breed that lays brown eggs, particularly a maran would give the eggs a green color, if it was a maran the eggs will be an olive color. The feathers could be a muttation or could be passed down from one of the parents. Beautiful looking bird though.
I just read the website on hedemoras. She looks like one though how you could have got one in australia is beyond me seeing as it says they like cold climates. I am in Canada and we all think you guys have warm weather all year (20s-30s celcius). Hedemoras aren't supposed to do well in heat so if she turns out to be one be careful.

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