What Breed is my hen?


7 Years
Aug 14, 2012
Elmore Alabama
I bought this hen from a local chicken auction. I have searched and can not find another like her but she is very beautiful. I am new to the whole chicken thing but have fallen hard and fast. I love them so much. Anyway Annabell is silver or blue as it's called and she has small crest on her head. She is feather footed and has very full feathers. She lays an off white egg about the same size as my silkie eggs I am trying to hatch. She lays just about every day. She is bigger than my Belgian D'Uccle but not as big as some other breeds. I am uploading some photos hopefully BTCers can help me id her breed or maybe she is cross breed. Also the white hen I'm pretty sure she is a cochin but any comments on her would be appreciated also Thanks.

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Thanks for the input that is what I thought at first too but her skin is not black also I saw a picture on here of a blue orp and looked just like her but i don't think they have feather feet
Silkies have white earlobes, which is where she would have picked them up.
The Silkies I'm used to seeing have a blue-ish color.


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