What breed is my pullet? See pics

If she has green legs, probably an EE (one of my favorites.) It looks like she has a pea comb, if so you have an excellent chance of getting blue or green eggs.
Hahaha, ok.. Is mutt offensive?
If it was not "politically correct" (sorry for that)... I lack slang and cultural knowledge of the American ways.

I am fully Puertorican and just happen to know English.

Those eggs are just gorgeous, and soooooo different from what I get from my English hens... I hope to get nice eggs from this cutie and much bigger eggs than what I get now... I really don't mind the colors. Thanks a bunch for the pic and the info.
Hahaha, ok.. Is mutt offensive? :confused:  If it was not "politically correct" (sorry for that)... I lack slang and cultural knowledge of the American ways.

I am fully Puertorican and just happen to know English.

Those eggs are just gorgeous, and soooooo different from what I get from my English hens... I hope to get nice eggs from this cutie and much bigger eggs than what I get now... I really don't mind the colors. Thanks a bunch for the pic and the info.
No it's not offensive :lol:

Mixed breed is usually what people say. Some people may take offence to mutt, but I don't. They lay as nice of an egg as any purebred, and can often be prettier!

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