What Breed is my Rooster?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 17, 2014
This guy showed up in our backyard on Christmas Eve and never left. He has been the most amazing rooster I have ever had. He is very gamey and has developed beautifully. Any guesses? I was guessing an Old English Game mix.

Here he is on Xmas Morning

Here is in in June with his hen (Silkie) and offspring
Thank you, he is quite the man. We got him the Silkie so he would not be lonely and he has been gentle and doesn't over work her. Their three offspring are almost 3 months but I have yet to figure out their genders. They are odd looking ones lol
He had really blossomed, check out that beautiful tail!

I answered your other post about the gender of the chicks. Here you say they're 3 months, so I think you can safely say they're all female. What a cute family
So as I am reading more about breeds I found out about something called the Red Jungle Fowl (which my boy looks more like than a Old English Game mix) anybody second that motion?
True Red Jungle Fowl are pretty rare. Some say they all have some domestic poultry genetics mixed in. That said some hatcheries do sell what is called red jungle fowl. I inherited these chickens from the previous owner of my home, and he said they were a mix of red jungle fowl and Old English game, but I don't even know where he got them. I just call them an Old English game mix because most sticklers who know about Red Jungle Fowl would probably debate the issue. No matter what the specific breed, they are pretty closely related and are pretty clever and energetic chickens. They are fun to have around.


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