What breed is my white/blonde hen?


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2018
Hi there,
Last week I bought a white/blonde hen. She's a little smaller than a Rhode Island Red but much bigger than a bantam. Also I've got a couple of chicks I'd like to know the breed of. I bought them with the hen but I think they're about a week and a half old.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

(Appoligies for the state of the roof, I'm fixing it this weekend)
Not sure what she is but I think you have soem barred rocks and austrolorps but I’m not sure on all.She seems sweet and friendly though,is she mothering the chicks?
Not sure what she is but I think you have soem barred rocks and austrolorps but I’m not sure on all.She seems sweet and friendly though,is she mothering the chicks?
She is mothering the chicks. She's a great mum. The chicks were sold to me as copper black marans and pekins but some of them have bobbles on their head. I'm no expert but even I can work out that there are at least three different breeds there. What do you think this one in the photo could be?
I’m not sure but you may wanna find smaller fencing,she looks like she can split right through that whole which would probably end up in a disaster if you what I mean.
But the chick will have feathers on her head.
It looks like a very faded out Buff Orpington, with a bad case of scaly leg mites. :(
Her legs do look terrible I noticed today but I only just bought her. What can I do to help her legs? She's not too keen on me going near her yet but I am building up her trust? Do you think she's in any pain?
I don't really know anything but chicken diseases or prevention but I don't want them to be in any pain or discumfort.
If she has never been treated then she probably is in pain.Soak the legs in Epsom salt or dish water liquid washing the feet then rub Vaseline on them.I treat my hens each summer or spring for this,seems to keep coming back.However a healthy hen can keep them at a stand.
I’m not sure but you may wanna find smaller fencing,she looks like she can split right through that whole which would probably end up in a disaster if you what I mean.
But the chick will have feathers on her head.
Smaller fencing is another project for this weekend. I went to an auction with the intention of buying adult birds so I was not prepared for chicks, which meant a drive to the pet shop when I got back.

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