What breed is this monster??

I think the "rainbow layer" assortment is a way to use up all the "odd lots" of chicks they have from all the different breeds. They are all pure bred, just a mixture of whatever extras they have on hand that ship date. You get a better price by getting whatever they put together. I've gotten this mixture before and it makes a nice varied flock. :) Sometimes a faster growing bird is a male, but let's hope not!
With the single comb, the coloring, and taking into account what Meyer sells, I will guess that it's possibly an Ancona. They don't feather out with the white and black spotting at first. They feather in like yours is doing, and then molt into proper coloring later.

Here is a juvenile Ancona:


Do you have a picture of yours when it was a couple days old?
I'm a bit late, but I'm thinking it's a California White. I'm raising a bunch of them right now and they look just like yours. I don't have any recent pictures, but they are white just like your baby and they each have a black spot. California Whites are very similar to leghorns, but they are larger. I hope I could help! :)

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