What breed is this roo?

I thought about a welsummer too.Like I said my feed store orders all of their chicks from ideal and one day they had a big tub full of straight run mixed chicks from ideal.I really didn't need any more at the time but I picked out two chicks that looked different from all the rest and one of them was Duke.The other I'm not sure what he is but I think he could be a California white rooster or California Grey.
It looks closest to a Red Sex Link to me... which would be something you would likely find in a feed store. He's just not quite as white as they should be... but then again, with hybrids, there is more variation in plumage than in purebreeds. So my vote is Red Sex Link.
He is none of the breeds that have been"guessed"-he's a cross breed of some sort. Very pretty though.
If you just need a male he'll do-if you need a particular breed he'll make good soup.
;)This is really wierd but someone just posted a picture in My, chickens, my family.....in the most beautiful chicken post and the rooster looks exactly like your rooster

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