What breed is this rooster?

If you are talking about the deep red rooster on the left of the picture, he looks my Rhode Island Red rooster. The picture color quality isn't the greatest, but that's what he looks like to me. Is is tail greenish?In looking at the picture again, the comb is throwing me off a bit. I'm sure someone will know more than I do.
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If you are talking about the deep red rooster on the left of the picture, he looks my Rhode Island Red rooster. The picture color quality isn't the greatest, but that's what he looks like to me. Is is tail greenish?In looking at the picture again, the comb is throwing me off a bit. I'm sure someone will know more than I do.

Yes that is the one I'm talking about. Yes he does have dark green tail feathers though they look more black to me.
We have a hen named Kellog since we used to think she was a welsummer, turns out shes a brown leghorn.
Ya name he Kellog, name him Kellog name him Kellog name him Kellog lol
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We have a hen named Kellog since we used to think she was a welsummer, turns out shes a brown welsummer.
Ya name he Kellog, name him Kellog name him Kellog name him Kellog lol

I think I will heheh Here is another picture of him. I thought it was a Marans but all you Chicken Savvy people know much more than i do. I have only had chickens for a a year and a month XD


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