What breed is this?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 16, 2015
I got my hens at 12 weeks old. They're now about 16 weeks. I was told my grey one was a ameraucana but where are the puffy feathers they usually get on the face?
Here's a better picture of the face. Also anyone know if it's a male or female?

did she come from a hatchery or a breeder?

She does have the body type and coloring typical of hatchery EE, but.....the clean face and yellow legs make me wonder if she's mixed with something. True, we've seen a fair amount of hatchery EE with no beards or muffs the last few years, but combined with the light legs it just makes me think mixed. I can't see the comb that well, but since I can't see it I'm thinking it's a pea comb, so she does have a decent chance to lay colored eggs. Good news is she's 100% female, so there will be eggs of some color, eventually.
She came from a guy in California who had his own business. He had hundreds of birds. I was thinking mixed too because of the lack of feathers on the face but there is some slight green in her legs (very slight). But not like the darker green I've had in the past on other EE's.
So probably has hatchery EE ancestry, but quite likely to have something else in the mix as well. Once she lays, if she lays colored eggs, feel free to call her an Easter egger. If not, barnyard mix is always a good catch-all.

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