What breed is this?


6 Years
Jun 18, 2014

we purchased this chick from Cal Ranch and happily paid extra for what was signed as an Aracauna. After reading up on my new treasure, I realized this chick is not rumpless and must be a different breed. We love our little Cleo but want to know what she is. EE OR Black sexlink maybe? Thanks!
Thanks when I showed Cal Ranch employee he said it was a Black sexlink. But I couldn't find a picture that looked like her.
That is a brown americauna by the looks of things! I would know, I breed them! it is very easy to mix up chicken breeds when they are chicks, but i would still email the farm and tell them they gave you the WRONG breed for future reference...
Some hatcheries do, performance poultry does, i'm not sure about the one you ordered from though... a misshape maybe? And My apologize for my error in spelling "Americana" Instead of Amaraucana. I'm going to have to blame that on spell check...
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