What breed of chicken is this?


In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2016

Our granddaughter was given some eggs and she hatched them with an incubator. This is one of the chicks that she hatched in Dec. She is a very large hen but we don't have a clue what she is or what color egg we should be looking for her to lay.
Seriously? We were certain it was a big beautiful hen. It hatched in December just before Christmas and is the biggest bird in our yard. We have about 16 big birds and 11 chicks. We've never heard this bird crow or anything. How can you tell that it's a cockerel?

And thanks for the welcome!
Seriously?  We were certain it was  a big beautiful hen.  It hatched in December just before Christmas and is the biggest bird in our yard.  We have about 16 big birds and 11 chicks.  We've never heard this bird crow or anything.  How can you tell that it's a cockerel?

And thanks for the welcome!

Well, the size was the first tip off. The only hens you see that big are exhibition birds. But secondly, he has male saddle and sickle feathers.
Wow!!! I'm so disappointed and my kids are going to be so sad. They call her, I mean him Queen and hold him and love on him all the time. Hate so say it but he's going to have to find a new home. :(

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