What breed of chickens are these???

Do they sell mixed breeds from chick days at tractor supply? my friend said she had spoke to her neighbor who keeps letting them loose and she said the neighbor told her she gets them from chick days at tractor supply. hmm well I guess I wont ever know 100% where they came from because I didn't purchase them or breed them myself. whatever they are mixed breed or not they are beautiful and they are laying me lots of eggs.
Do they sell mixed breeds from chick days at tractor supply? my friend said she had spoke to her neighbor who keeps letting them loose and she said the neighbor told her she gets them from chick days at tractor supply. hmm well I guess I wont ever know 100% where they came from because I didn't purchase them or breed them myself. whatever they are mixed breed or not they are beautiful and they are laying me lots of eggs.

Well, yes and no -- hatchery grade birds often stray from the breed standard of the given breed, and you also have the issue of certain mixed breeds such as sex links, Easter Eggers, etc which are sold via hatcheries and farm stores.
Additionally, is the person saying these are first generation birds - or merely that they are birds that have come from stock purchased at TSC? If she gets her birds at TSC but has had breeding take place since resulting in these birds they would be mixed breeds resulting from the crossing of two "pure" bred birds from TSC -- make sense?
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My guess is if they came directly from TSC--they may be something like Dixie Rainbows or whatever variety of proprietary-multi-colored-free-ranging broiler the hatchery-of-the-day sells. The barring is too poor to even be "hatchery quality" barred Rock--I just don't think the genetics could work to make barred rock pullet look that light.
Well, not sure exactly what they are, but this makes me sick to think poor little chicks are grown up just to be thrown out the door! You should have her neighbor know that chickens do have personalities and that she cant keep buying chicks for easter just to be dumped later on. If you want your kids to have chickens, than at least give them away to someone who will care for them! Or go to a petting zoo! Poor things
My guess is if they came directly from TSC--they may be something like Dixie Rainbows or whatever variety of proprietary-multi-colored-free-ranging broiler the hatchery-of-the-day sells.
That's a good possibility. Dixie Rainbows (or Pioneers; another label under which they are marketed) are hybrids and even the hatcheries that sell them state that "no two of them look alike."

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