What Breed of Chickens Do You Have?

What breed of chickens do you have?

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We have
5 Barred Rocks
1 EE
Then we have little chickies too bc well i just needed more...
4 Buff Orpington
2 Cinnamon Queen
And 4 EE

Kids are begging for a white chicken that lays white eggs so im sure more to join in the future :love:D
Hi All.

2 GLW - 8 yrs old
2 Welsummers female and male
2 Australorp females
1 Sex-Link
3 Australorp/Welsummer mixed. Two girls, 1 boy= Rooster and jr rooster now.
I have:
2- Orpington
2- Silver Laced Wyandottes
1- Barred Rock
1- White Leghorn
2- Red Sex Links
6- California Whites
1- Ameraucana Rooster
1- California White Rooster
And 14 baby chicks, I incubated , a mix of all them guys above. 😊
I submitted my vote & from your list I have blue laced red Wyandotte, partridge Silkie & Easter Egger (my only mix)
My other are
Gold laced Cochin (standard)
White crested blue Polish
White Pavlovskaya
Gold Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhauben
Blue Ameraucana
Black Ameracauna
White Faced Black Spanish

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