What breed of game birds


In the Brooder
Jun 23, 2022
Ok guys I just got this pretty guy an I don't know the breed an I would love to know the breed as I have a matching hen. So I would love to know if there a good breed

Just curious if you thought that bird was a gamefowl and if so if you knew the line.
Looks off to me but idk sh!t
Appears to be a type of blue to me. My Lloyd miner blues threw ones that looked like that but if the poster wants more just like him it probably won't happen if it's a miner. They did not breed true. No two ever looked the exact same. Some came close but most didn't.
Appears to be a type of blue to me. My Lloyd miner blues threw ones that looked like that but if the poster wants more just like him it probably won't happen if it's a miner. They did not breed true. No two ever looked the exact same. Some came close but most didn't.
Any blue lines that do breed true to your knowledge?

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