what breed rooster is this and is he okay to add to my flock?


5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
Waller, Texas
So my awesome father in law showed up on this rainy sunday with a special gift for me. To my horror it was a rooster that I habe no idea other than he bought from a roadside vender. He behind in bare on one side and I have no idea what breed he is. I have him fed and watered and to my FIL's knowledge he has been in a cage with two other roosters. Im really picky about my hens and I never wanted a roo but here he is and I want to give him a chance. Is he safe? What should I be looking out for and what should I worry about. Im really new to chickens and I just want to keep my girls safe.
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Welcome to BYC!!! I think he'll be OK to add to your flock. From what I can see he looks like some kind of mix. Others will probably know better. How long have you had him? I'd quarantine him first.
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Quite likely a Red Sex Link male. These males are the "reverse" of the red sex link females and most of them never make it out of the hatcheries alive. The whole purpose of the sex link is to visually see the females at hatch and ship only the pullets to waiting customers.

We've grown out a few of these over the years and it is impossible to say what personality this male will express. Do not show fear. Move about him with confidence and determination. If he shows aggression toward humans, you'll notice it and you'll have to decide whether you want to tolerate that sort of thing or not.
Quite likely a Red Sex Link male. These males are the "reverse" of the red sex link females and most of them never make it out of the hatcheries alive. The whole purpose of the sex link is to visually see the females at hatch and ship only the pullets to waiting customers.

We've grown out a few of these over the years and it is impossible to say what personality this male will express. Do not show fear. Move about him with confidence and determination. If he shows aggression toward humans, you'll notice it and you'll have to decide whether you want to tolerate that sort of thing or not.
I've had him for about two hours now. He seems docile right now. he doesnt have spurs yet. I have him in a large cage right now and im giving him my chick starter I give my other pullets. Other than attitude during his quarantine is there anything in particular I should look for and for how long should he be in quarantine?

Btw yall are all really awesome and so much help already!
Quite likely a Red Sex Link male. These males are the "reverse" of the red sex link females and most of them never make it out of the hatcheries alive. The whole purpose of the sex link is to visually see the females at hatch and ship only the pullets to waiting customers.

We've grown out a few of these over the years and it is impossible to say what personality this male will express. Do not show fear. Move about him with confidence and determination. If he shows aggression toward humans, you'll notice it and you'll have to decide whether you want to tolerate that sort of thing or not.

X3 on Fred's Hens' reply. Definitely quarantine him for a few weeks before introducing him to your hens. Good luck with your RSL rooster.

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