What breed(s) are these hens?

I agree with @TheKindaFarmGal, the pictures are great and your chickens are b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! :love
I'll take a guess on the breeds, too! (Though I know my guesses are the same as some of the others'). :)
#1. White Wyandotte, I'd assume, as the comb doesn't quite remind me of a cushion comb, so no to the Chantecler if it's not one. (Though, to be honest, is there such a thing as a White Wyandotte?)
#2. Plymouth White Rock, I'm assuming (unless she has a white earlobe, then she's not that). And #3 is probably either that, too, or what number one, is, as I can't quite tell if her comb is actually a single one or not.
#4, #5, and #6 remind me of Silver Pencilled Plymouth Rocks.
#7 might be a Red Sex Link.
#8 reminds me of a Double Laced Barnevelder.
#9 is a Black Australorp, and, if #10 has a single comb--as it's a bit hard to see from that angle--then she's a Black Australorp, too.
And #11 looks like a Black Ameraucana; pea comb, muffs, slate legs; that points to that breed, I believe. :)
1. White Wyandotte
2. White Rock
3. White Wyandotte
4. Silver Penciled Rock
5. Silver Penciled Rock
6. Silver Penciled Rock
7. Red Sex Link
8. Partridge Rock
9. Black Austrolorp
10. Black Austrolorp
11. Black Ameraucana
Got some more pictures of the black hens today...

#9, she has very light feet.




#10 RIGHT, #11 LEFT

Thank you!
They are, but I was getting light blue eggs from my other EE's. I am getting very dark brown eggs now that I got this bunch of hens. Not sure who's giving me those! Also getting more light blue/green eggs.

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