What breed this duckling is?


In the Brooder
Nov 18, 2016
Hey all! I know its hard to tell at this age, but just wondering if anyone could take a guess at what breed this duckling is? He was in the assorted bin at tsc..

Thank you!
I’ve had both violin player. One Pekin had a pink bill and one had a orange bill. Both were very much Pekins.:confused: Even had one Pekin go from orange to pink then back to orange. I don’t think the bill color for Pekins are a sure thing. But I didn’t know about the bill color of buffs, that’s interesting.
I’ve had both violin player. One Pekin had a pink bill and one had a orange bill. Both were very much Pekins.:confused: Even had one Pekin go from orange to pink then back to orange. I don’t think the bill color for Pekins are a sure thing. But I didn’t know about the bill color of buffs, that’s interesting.
Interesing...In this case, the ducklings down color more resembles a Buff IMO, but I will keep that in mind from now on when identifying ducklings. ;)

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