What Breed


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 21, 2012
Hi Guys,

I have a brother and sister from the same batch of eggs we incubated

Dougal and Fruity

Dougal is mostly black and gold

Fruity is mostly white with black and some gold

Both Red Crests and BEAUTIFUL :)

When we got the eggs we were told that they were Rhode Island Reds, but clearly to the eye these chooks are no Rhode Island Reds!

We also thought maybe 'Australorps'?

Someone else suggested the Faverolle breed, as the colouring between Male and Female is so different, but Faverolles have hairy feet an extra toe and a beard and these two are bald as coots on the tootsies!

Anyway, any suggestions would be a bonus :)

We would like to put a name to such beautiful faces

Look forward to hearing from any of you soon

Done :) Hope that helps and if you would like a clearer one I will nip outside and take another photo


He looks to maybe be a Silver Duckwing OEGB...she may be a Splash OEGB...Please don't take my word for it tho...I'm fairly new to chickens & only really know about the ones I have researched to find the breeds of my own chicks.

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