What breed????


10 Years
May 4, 2012
Keller, VA
This white bantam chick has 4 toes and some feathers on its legs but none on its toes. It is rather soft and had a poofy tail. Its comb looks single. It does not have vulture hocks. The feathers that show in one pic below and appear to have feathers on its hocks are actually from its body.It is about 6 weeks old. Does anyone know what it might be?

It looks similar to the bantam Cochins I also got from the feed store. However, its hocks are clean, there are no feathers on its feet.
It looks similar to the bantam Cochins I also got from the feed store. However, its hocks are clean, there are no feathers on its feet.

Vulture hocks are not desired in Cochins but can occur.

Additionally, the feathering on the feet can vary from chicken to chicken within the feather-footed breeds.

Not saying that it is definitely a Cochin, but it may be from my experience. :)
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I looked again very closely yesterday evening and it looks like it is beginning to grow some soft feathers on its hocks. I am expecting it is a white Cochin that is just slow to feather.
I would like to raise PQ white frizzle bantams. I have a couple that look nice and others that seem to be just tooo frizzled. They are HQ, I am just selecting the best ones I have. So, should I breed the two nice whites, a nice white frizzle to a Cochin with no frizzling gene, or a toooo frizzled Cochin to a Cochin with no frizzling gene????

This one I think looks nice for a HQ frizzle Cochin chick??

This one is a bit younger of a different chick but it doesn't look much better now. I think it is too frizzled???:

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I would like to raise PQ white frizzle bantams. I have a couple that look nice and others that seem to be just tooo frizzled. They are HQ, I am just selecting the best ones I have. So, should I breed the two nice whites, a nice white frizzle to a Cochin with no frizzling gene, or a toooo frizzled Cochin to a Cochin with no frizzling gene????

I think it would work either way, but would personally breed a nicely frizzled Cochin to a non-frizzled Cochin.

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