What breeds could this hen be?


Mar 16, 2009
South Central PA
I have this little mixed breed bantam that is the best broody ever. She certainly has some silkie genetics in her somewhere because of the traits that her offspring carry.

She has black skin and slate legs, only four toes and a slight crest. She's small but not as tiny as a true bantam, but much smaller than a standard.

Any ideas what breeds could have created this mutt?


The one on the right. (The white hen is the granddaughter of the hen in question)

Brown Leghorns come in both Bantam and LF varieties and straight and rosecomb. Maybe some of that mixed in the LF are still pretty small. Silkie would give the black skin and crest although the comb looks pink/red and only 4 toes so I am thinking it must be 2 generations back. Game would be pretty high on my list, too especially because she a good broody.
I'm with DT chickens....I think she is silkie X game which makes one of the best mom.....
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Another vote for the silkie-game hen mix. My (one and only) game hen was a little larger than my bantam cochins, smaller than my brown leghorn.

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