What breeds do you have, that you want to get rid of?

I got rid of my Silver Lakenvelders & Golden Campines because they're CRAZY WILD!
I'm breeding more Red Shouldered Yokohamas because they are SOOOO MELLOW.
I've been trying out breeds this last year. So I can only reference to the ones I own. I have a black copper marans, black ameraucana, 4 golden penciled hamburgs, lavendar orpington pair, 2 golden cuckoo marans, barnevelder, splash copper marans, blue copper marans.

Candidate #1: I love my golden penciled hamburgs but 2 of them will be rehomed.
They do not want to be handled but eat out of my hand, come when called (for treats of course) and lay almost everyday. However, I have 4 and really only wanted 2, so I will eventually rehome 2 of them to make room for others in my coop.

Candidate #2: My ameraucana hates me but she has a BCM best friend so she gets to stay.

Candidate #3: My Lavender Orpington roo is my first rooster with my flock since I'm in a neighborhood, he might get rehomed. I'm not planning on breeding and he's quite the gentleman, but my smaller breeds are getting bald heads and I'm not sure any of the girls are enjoying his attention. And there is that crowing thing.
We have Buff Orphingtons, all wonderful hens!! Mutt rooster that is better than any chicken EVER. 15 golden laced sebrights on the way (WOOO HOOO), 2 japanese BTW roosters with 10 bitties on the way.

Haven't heard anyone say anything bad about the Sebrights. I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!!
i have 4 black australorps that are only 2 months old or so... but so far... im not all that impressed with how they look... so .. when they get old enough.. they better lay eggs like crazy or they're out of here lol

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