What breeds have you had the best experience with?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 17, 2009
Mesa, AZ
I live in a residential area and am wondering what the good people of BYC think the best chicken breed is. I am looking for breeds known to....

- lay lots of eggs
- have a loving personality (also kid-friendly)
- does not fly much
- is QUIET!!!

NOTE: I know that how a chicken behaves depends on a lot of things like attention, living conditions, where they came from, etc. etc.

What breeds have YOU had the best experience with?
Yeah, Wyandottes for sure. Rhode Island Reds sure are friendly and inquisitive, right from Day 1, and they're good layers, but they might also get into trouble by flying over a fence.
Barred Rocks, Delawares, and Blk Aussies for me...
Of my five, all of which I chose based on the qualifications you mentioned (well...except for the quiet part), the tamest and friendliest are my barred rock (super personality, inquisitive, affectionate) and my buff orp (very docile, fairly affectionate). Neither make much noise either (of course mine are less than 12 weeks now). My wyandotte and black austrolorp are my most talkative/noisy. My easter egger is affectionate when she chooses to be...

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