What breeds have you had the best experience with?

I have golden comets, not really a breed, since they are hybrids. They're kid-friendly lap chickens and they lay every day. I also have RIRs, and they're friendly and good layers as well. Ours are not noisy at all, though I think if you crowd your birds they are more likely to make noise.

I've not had a problem with the RIRs flying over the fence. They fly a bit when they are young, but they aren't much for flying as adults.
Australorps! They're the sweetest breed ever, if you ask me. They even hold the title for egg laying because one hen laid 364 eggs in 365 days. You can't expect those results, but they do lay well. They don't seem to make too much noise.
I also second wyandottes.
You may try easter eggers. They're not the best layers, but they're sweet, quiet, and a lot of fun (not to mention the green eggs!).
Those are the only 3 breeds I have experience with.
My Dominiques and Wyandottes are docile & great layers. My Andalusians are bossy little busy bodies. Sassy!
My Ameraucanas are not friendly and have not layed yet, at 7 months. That is another thing to consider: age at lay. Some breeds (Silkies and Ameraucanas, most notably) are late bloomers. You have to ask yourself if that matters to you.
My red sex links are my best layers. They are very friendly, and don't fly out of the pen. Ever.

I love my Easter Eggers! But they fly really well. I had to move them to the covered duckpen. And they would still escape sometimes. Smart, they are! Their wings are now clipped. Problem solved.

My Buff Orps would fit the bill very well. They are too heavy to fly much at all. They hop and flap, and that's about it. And so sweet and cuddly! But they are often broody, so that cuts down on the egg production in a very significant way.

My Welsummers are awesome, but they fly very well, even WITH clipped wings. What's up with that? At least they are smart enough to fly back into the pen...

I don't have a single hen that I would consider "loud". They all sing the egg song after they lay.
White Rock, barred rock, partridge rock; they are good layers and have a wonderful personality! (as stated)

I also like my Cinnamon Queens. They are great layers and they LOVE to free range, always out with the rocks.

I also really enjoy my few black Australorps, but I really have not had a experience with them laying yet as they are still pretty young, but VERY beautiful ladies.

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