What can be wrong with my chicken please help!!

It seems unbelievable that the skin could regrow to cover that massive space...but I've seen it before on here.
Looking forward to progress pics.
Hi yes its a hard process because we had to keep her from pecking and seeing that big cut. But we are glad it's almost closed I am going to post another recent picture. Thank you all for helping out.
Hi all here is a recent picture we are almost there of the cut almost closing completely and we feel more relieve for that.


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So glad that she is continuing to heal. Thanks for the update.
Hi yes she is doing much better on the big cut and less a pecker and we are glad for that. I will keep updating until it's fully closed. Thank you to all.
Hi all have an update sorry I didn't do it before be we are so happy that she healed!! It was alot of work but we made it!! Thank you all!! It's amazing how it healed.


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