What can I do to boost my egglayers


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 13, 2013
I have 13 egg layers. They are Amber Links, Eyes are Brown and a black Sexlink. They are 6months old and some have been laying for over a month. I started with one, then two eggs a day, then a couple of days got up to five. Now the weather is cooler and my production has dropped to two a day. I feed them layer food and have even gave them in one case, red pepper. Any help would be appreciated.
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Change in weather is most likely a factor. You are giving the proper feed, and I don't know if the red pepper is helpful or not. They are just starting their egg journey of their life. Give them a chance to get into HIGH GEAR.
Change in weather is most likely a factor. You are giving the proper feed, and I don't know if the red pepper is helpful or not. They are just starting their egg journey of their life. Give them a chance to get into HIGH GEAR.

Agreed re: weather influence. In my experience, new layers can be a bit hit and miss before they get their system up and running.
This is how I feed my layers....50/50 of layer pellets and grower till one year old...Grower for the extra protein.....Grower ration can be lowered if needed....Oyster shell and grit provided in a separate bowl.........
Treats fed at 5% of daily ration or better yet once or twice a week......

I have 13 egg layers. They are Amber Links, Eyes are Brown and a black Sexlink. They are 6months old and some have been laying for over a month. I started with one, then two eggs a day, then a couple of days got up to five. Now the weather is cooler and my production has dropped to two a day. I feed them layer food and have even gave them in one case, red pepper. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm guessing that this means ISA Browns?
All those breeds at that age should be laying like gangbusters, despite the shortening days and lengthening nights (it's the dark/light cycle, not the cold).

Do you free range? Might they be laying out in range area?

Is their coop of good size to avoid crowding stress?

Do you feed other foods/treats besides the layer feed?
Layer feed is often minimal protein(16%) to produce eggs, if too many other things are fed it dilutes the essential nutrients in regular feed.
With days getting shorter, you may be fighting that issue. As they are just reaching sexual maturity, some of them may wait till day length increases, and start laying in Feb. You could start supplementing their light in the coop, aiming to increase a bit at a time till they are up to 14 hours/day.
I have given my chickens warm oatmeal mixed with feed in the winter abs it seemed to really increase there egg productionot and they love it! My chickens were a little older when I first tried it but....

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