What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

It really depends on the purpose of the birds that you’re keeping, in my opinion. :) mine are pets/lawn ornaments with the added benefit of eggs, so I’m really only looking for moderate production and not interested in eating any of the birds themselves. Lol.

I also think that within any breed you get exceptions to the rule. I have a paint silkie that is the opposite in many ways of the silkie stereotype. She doesn’t seem bothered by the cold, so long as the wind isn’t howling. She’s always clean unless she dust bathed in mud, but by the next day she’s cleaned herself up again anyways. No issues with her feathered feet or her crest, she can see just fine, she went broody during her first laying cycle and raised half a dozen chicks for me with no hassle, and she’s the friendliest of the bunch. She runs for the hills if a big bird flies over, shrieking out an alarm. She also has a permanent head tilt and a tic, which makes her a huge favorite with visitors. Lol. Contrast her with my cuckoo silkie that’s dumb as a bag of rocks and couldn’t figure out the ramp to get into the coop for months.... lol.

I don’t like super delicate breeds or those that have massive combs/wattles, aesthetically I find them unappealing and they don’t do well in my climate. Not a fan of naked necks either, for the same reasons.

I’ve had not great experiences with the EE that I’ve had, both purchased and hatched myself. They seem either super shy and skittish or too bold to the point of aggressive. A few bad individuals put me off them for sure, especially when I had other breeds that were far superior in many ways. (Hedemoras, Icelandics...)
I rank favorites based on personality/issues I've had with them and my least favorite birds would have to be my hatchery Australorps and Easter Eggers. I didn't find most to be personable. I also had some egg eaters from that batch. Good layers, but pretty bland and unfriendly. I also was not a fan of my hatchery line Silkies. Some were actually pretty aggressive to each other 😳 Just little meanies and always mad and broody. I had some show line White Crested Black Polish too that I was not a fan of. While good layers, they did not thrive in a mixed flock. They were picked on by others and when I would separate them out to grow their crests back and then they seemed to take out their anger on each other. For being picked on, they were not meek and gentle. Just not given opportunity to peck back as well due to crests. Looking back, I wish I never purchased them. Their life of having to live blindly for no reason other than humans enjoying their looks is cruel to me 😞 Another breed I was pretty meh about were my show line Silver Pencilled Rocks. They were fine. Personalities okay, but not memorable. Now I loved my Barred Rock bantams though...
I've never met a breed that a well-bred specimen of that breed didn't change my mind about them.

I guess I dislike poorly bred birds of EVERY breed.

I'm also relatively often annoyed at the constant push for hybridization and "making new breeds" when so many amazing breeds are already lacking dedicated breeders, but I can't say I blame people for enjoying the challenge as I dabble in this myself due to my genetics obsession.
Personally, I will NEVER get barred rocks again.
My two pure BR hens are DEMONS, and they were raised the same as all the others. All my other hens and even my roo (who is part BR, part EE and part leghorn, but the leghorn in him is miniscule), are friendly and easy to handle (usually, they all have their days), but my two BR hens are terrible and pick on everybody else! They even come at ME some days! If they weren't such good layers they'd be in a pot by now!
Sex links and dominiques, or crossbreeds, from here on out, I swear it!
Edit: and little cochins! Sweet little thing my one cochin hen is. Maybe one day I'll get those gorgeous lavender Orpingtons ive wanted for a while now.. anything has to be better than my two demon hens.
I've never met a breed that a well-bred specimen of that breed didn't change my mind about them.

I guess I dislike poorly bred birds of EVERY breed.

I'm also relatively often annoyed at the constant push for hybridization and "making new breeds" when so many amazing breeds are already lacking dedicated breeders, but I can't say I blame people for enjoying the challenge as I dabble in this myself due to my genetics obsession.
I do agree. My hatchery bred birds have been my least favorites. I love my heritage and show line birds. The temperaments are so much better. I mentioned not loving my show line Silver Pencilled Rocks, but I will add, that even those I liked much, much more than any poorly bred bird I owned. Competition for favorite birds I've owned gets tough when I have raised quite few decently bred breeds :)
Featherless cycens are use full to get an idea of the shape of their body, especially tail/vent area, but otherwise are very iffy. How is a Cock supposed to climb onto a Hen without injuring her? Those very thick leg Viet ones, I would like to see more about before deciding if they are bad through and through.
I don't like turkens! I used to think they were a chicken/turkey and somehow I like them less knowing they are just a freaky chicken.

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