What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?


Brahma Chicken5000

Araucana Addict
6 Years
Sep 26, 2017
Central New Jersey
I’ve never been a fan of Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks as they seem overly common. I’m not a fan of Polish, I do like crested birds but the Polish crest is just too big for my liking. I don’t like the fifth toe on chickens. I don’t know why I just don’t like the look of the fifth toe. :confused: What breeds or chicken characteristics do you guys dislike?
Mhh... "Dislike" is too strong a word.

There are chicken breeds I wouldn't have because they don't suit my lifestyle or interests, but I wouldn't say I dislike them per se. I'd enjoy seeing or visiting them, as someone else's chickens.

It's a bit like minimalist rooms; I'm happy to be in one for a meal or a couple of nights sleep, but not to live in.
I like most breeds of chickens. That said, I can't stand Silkies. Honestly, if I wanted to mop the floor, I'd buy a mop. Why would I want a pet that mops the floor with their "feathers", then gets all dirty and gross? Speaking of feathers....One of things that appeals to me about chickens is their sleek, beautiful, shiny feathers. Silkies have none of that. They remind me of those hairy rat-dogs that people carry in their purse!

Oh... and Naked Necks. They creep me out, because they look like they have the mange (or the bird equivalent of the mange).

Good thing that they haven't invented a cross between the two......
....looks at RinaRoo's post....
... awww CRAP.

I apologize to all Silkie & Naked-neck lovers, I know I just totally dissed your breed, but I guess that was what the thread is about...dissing breeds! ;)
I actually really like Cornish cross. They have a really sweet attitude.

I have never had them but I've heard people testify that if you don't slaughter them at 20 weeks or so, they begin to deteriorate and look terrible.
I'm sure that's fine for those who just want to kill them all after 5 months but I prefer dual purpose, large breed birds that mature slowly and live long healthy lives.

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