What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?


Brahma Chicken5000

Araucana Addict
6 Years
Sep 26, 2017
Central New Jersey
I’ve never been a fan of Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks as they seem overly common. I’m not a fan of Polish, I do like crested birds but the Polish crest is just too big for my liking. I don’t like the fifth toe on chickens. I don’t know why I just don’t like the look of the fifth toe. :confused: What breeds or chicken characteristics do you guys dislike?
Mhh... "Dislike" is too strong a word.

There are chicken breeds I wouldn't have because they don't suit my lifestyle or interests, but I wouldn't say I dislike them per se. I'd enjoy seeing or visiting them, as someone else's chickens.

It's a bit like minimalist rooms; I'm happy to be in one for a meal or a couple of nights sleep, but not to live in.
Red sexlinks. Nasty temperaments---like leghorns, but dumb and mean---they die like flies, they eat too much to make an efficient bird for my uses, and their eggs have more meatspots than the Leghorns. Wouldn't own them again. Of course, this just goes for the sexlinks available here. I know some others love them, so... <<shrugs>> They've certainly got a place. It just isn't here. I have had over 20 different breeds and varieties and only a few passed my strict standards.

I don't like a lot of the common hatchery versions of breeds looks-wise. A lot of Polish are skinny and not at all hardy to cold, disease, parasites, you name it. Silkies---well, I have one, but that's only due to his outstanding temperament that is a complete 180 of every other Silkie I've ever owned. The others I was glad to be rid of. I've seen shoelaces that were more intelligent. Plus, Silkie mixes are butt ugly. New Hampshire Reds, Rocks, RIRs, all of these aren't to my taste---in the hatchery style. Sure, they're useful birds, but nothing about them makes my jaw drop. Bred to the standard? Well, the most amazing bird I've seen in my life was an NHR. That bird was supremely balanced, perfectly proportioned, and just stunning. Note that this isn't intended to bash on hatchery birds. They're quite productive and I myself have owned over a hundred. Hatchery quality Leghorns, for instance, outrank just about every single one of my other birds in their merit for my setup. I simply have a taste in birds, like I do in artwork. I may not like, say, Picasso's work, but he was still a good artist. :D None of the chicken breeds (bar maybe the Dong Tao chicken) I can think of are horrifying, just not my preference. I don't like overly docile, slow birds either, like Orpingtons.

I tend to like the DP breeds better in looks, though Old English Games and Leghorns are both gorgeous when bred properly.
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