What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

I shallowly dislike easter eggers based on looks, a large majority of them are little mustard brown, eel faced critters. I'm sure they're great but they just don't appeal to me.
My wife, who is otherwise tolerant of my flock, doesn't like Easter Eggers either. She says the eggs look like giant robin's eggs and she doesn't like to use them. She knows that there isn't any difference, an egg is an egg, but it's the thought. I have gotten an occasional Easter Egger as a free chick in an assortment. She also prefers brown-shelled to white-shelled eggs. Again she knows there isn't any difference, it's just a preference.
I can see how feather legged birds would not work for me, so I won't be getting any of those by choice. While I like to look at pictures chickens with the "floof on top," I don't see me getting any of those either. This is all just practicality for me. I don't dislike any breeds.
To share my theory on this I’m gonna use an apple comparison. I love Fuji apples I eat a large quantity mostly slathered with peanut butter. I buy a bag or two every time I’m grocery shopping. I still get one or two per bag that have zero taste and wouldn’t be eatable without the peanut butter. I still get them because the good ones are worth the occasional bad ones.
I figure chickens could be similar that people will buy what they think they like some will love them. Some will get a bad one and since peanut butter won’t help with der der chickens they will likely be turned off that style chicken from that point forward if the good doesn’t out weigh the bad. I figure unless there is a physical appearance that causes you to dislike certain breeds it’s more likely your disliking the individual chicken not the breed in its entirety.
Just my thoughts on the subject. I haven’t owned a large majority of chicken breeds so if I’m wrong just over look me.
To share my theory on this I’m gonna use an apple comparison. I love Fuji apples I eat a large quantity mostly slathered with peanut butter. I buy a bag or two every time I’m grocery shopping. I still get one or two per bag that have zero taste and wouldn’t be eatable without the peanut butter. I still get them because the good ones are worth the occasional bad ones.
I figure chickens could be similar that people will buy what they think they like some will love them. Some will get a bad one and since peanut butter won’t help with der der chickens they will likely be turned off that style chicken from that point forward if the good doesn’t out weigh the bad. I figure unless there is a physical appearance that causes you to dislike certain breeds it’s more likely your disliking the individual chicken not the breed in its entirety.
Just my thoughts on the subject. I haven’t owned a large majority of chicken breeds so if I’m wrong just over look me.
I actually really like your analogy! :thumbsup For me I know that I don’t like chickens in shades of red or orange. I’ve seen a Red Araucana and while the Araucana is one of my favorite breeds I just didn’t like the red on the hen I saw. I had a hen raise a pair of Rhode Island Reds two summers ago, I ended up really liking the cockerel, he was a gentleman, but disliked the pullet for being aggressive. I also am not a fan of silver lace or gold lacing on Cochins or Wyandottes, but love it on Sebright Bantams.
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To share my theory on this I’m gonna use an apple comparison. I love Fuji apples I eat a large quantity mostly slathered with peanut butter. I buy a bag or two every time I’m grocery shopping. I still get one or two per bag that have zero taste and wouldn’t be eatable without the peanut butter. I still get them because the good ones are worth the occasional bad ones.
I figure chickens could be similar that people will buy what they think they like some will love them. Some will get a bad one and since peanut butter won’t help with der der chickens they will likely be turned off that style chicken from that point forward if the good doesn’t out weigh the bad. I figure unless there is a physical appearance that causes you to dislike certain breeds it’s more likely your disliking the individual chicken not the breed in its entirety.
Just my thoughts on the subject. I haven’t owned a large majority of chicken breeds so if I’m wrong just over look me.
I think you are absolutely correct. 1 "bad" one does NOT mean that all birds of that breed will be the same. Though IMO, when that 1 is exactly like that breed is "known" to be, chances are the majority ARE like that. But when that "bad one" was NOT what is typical for that breed, and someone loves that 1 bird and decides to get more "just like it", they will likely be disappointed. I will use myself as a sort of example: I have had several German shepherd dogs over the past 42 years. In that time, there have been 2 of them that if that had been my first one of the breed, I never would have gotten another. But since they weren't my first, I knew that THEY were "non typical". So I didn't "give up" and not get another of that breed. I see sites that say if someone can't decide on a chicken breed, to get one of several different breeds to see how they like them. IMO basing everything on that ONE bird, may not really tell you anything.
For me it's any large breed - they eat far too much for the number of eggs they lay. Light breeds are alright, and I love my bantams.
I can appreciate that.
Many of my old poultry farmer friends embrace bantams. I on the other hand, like large fowl.
Their eggs are bigger and there's enough meat to make them worth butchering.
I'm not a huge fan of standards, but I have one standard NN and love him dearly. I'm not a huge fan because the eat lots and in my experience of having them they usually get eaten before the bantams when free ranging. Plus standard that we had didn't go broody so much.
I can appreciate that.
Many of my old poultry farmer friends embrace bantams. I on the other hand, like large fowl.
Their eggs are bigger and there's enough meat to make them worth butchering.
There are bantams meat chickens, like Cornish cross bantams, Cornish hens, and lOERG mine are pretty meaty.

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