What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

I don't like red chickens. This opinion has no logic behind it other than my sense of aesthetics.

I'm not fond of earth-tone colors in anything and the orange-red tones are, to my mind, the ugliest of the earth tones.

If red chickens came in cherry-red like cardinals my opinion would be different. :D

I love cardinals there are so many in my area
I like all chickens, except for naked ones and Dong Tao's. I cringe when I see them and think it's cruel that they were ever created.


Delawares. Worst chickens I ever had. 4 years ago I got 8 Delawares and 8 New Hampshire Reds and 2 Cochins. The NH Reds and Cochins are all still doing fine, but the Delawares never thrived and half died over the course of the past 4 years. Earlier this fall I simply got disgusted with them and got rid of the remaining ones. I did read somewhere that this breed may be somewhat inbred in the attempt to revive it, as their numbers had apparently diminished drastically, but I doubt that I'll ever get Delawares again.
Not crazy about red sexlinks for the same reasons that everyone else mentioned. Nor would I intentionally get turkens because I think they are butt-ugly. Although they aren't chickens, I don't like Chinese geese either. They are mean and aggressive, not just to people but also to other birds.
I've already posted here but I can't find it for the life of me.

I'm going to (restate?) my feelings on silkies and polish etc...because I'm conflicted. They both are not very smart ofc, and were the first ones to get picked off when a weasel broke in. But also the ones with huge poofs have vaulted skulls which makes it easy to damage their brains. We had to put one silkie down because the poor thing was mentally ill. We thought it was just her vision at first but she was the only one of our silkies with the vaulted skull so we concluded she must have been pecked on the head. :(
I also think that silkies are overrated. I mean they look super cool and different from normal chickens but I see ISOs for silkies everywhere and it's tiring
All that being said, I think silkies are a very docile and sweet bird and have unique enough looks to give them a place in my flock. In the end I guess I do like silkies. Man I am a softie... :rolleyes:
Lots of people mentioned hating feathered feet, but I actually really like big boots. I haven't really noticed problems with them getting dirty, idk
What I hate are sparse leg feathers. Like if you're gonna have feathered legs you better go all out or it just looks like someone glued a few feathers on
I'm starting to feel worried seeing so many negative Polish postings (flighty, crazy, dumb, not cold hardy, poor health...), cuz I recently ordered some for the spring. I'm really drawn to crested birds and currently have 3 Crevecoeurs who are smart, inquisitive and sweet-natured. They are definitely flighty and resistant to handling, but do seek human connection on their own terms. I figured that Polish would be similar and after researching them for a while, I couldn't resist adding a few to my flock. Now I'm not sure that I made the right decision-- I've read they can be difficult to integrate, as well.

Has anyone had a positive experience integrating and managing Polish hens?? My birds don't free range and my coop is very secure. Eggs are not a big concern for me, either. My chickens are pets first and the eggs are just a nice bonus:). I'm more worried about them being dumb and wild, causing feather pecking issues, or infecting my flock with lice. Any words from Polish owners to make me feel better or worse?

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