What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

I agree about Buff Orpingtons as they are my favorites as well (hence my Avatar). I fell in love with them as a young lad when I saw a BO hen at my Grandpa's barn. After his death, it and a pair of Lakenvelders were given to me as he had directed. To this day, that Lakenvelder rooster remains my all time favorite. Watching him with his ladies as they scratched together in the woods is a very fond memory.

I love my Buff Orp, but what really made me love her more this year is what a WONDERFUL mother she is! This is my first time have a broody raise chicks and she is doing a stellar job! And since she is friendly with me, she has brought her chicks up onto my lap. Melts my heart!
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Ok, I fell asleep reading this thread the other night and didn’t finish until tonight! (fell asleep because I was exhausted, not because of the thread!) So I can’t say there are any breeds I dislike. However, there are a few I would not want. Many of you will think this is insane, but I wouldn’t want a super high production hybrids (I forget what the are... Red Star, Golden Comet?) because they are prone to laying disorders. Same with the other high production breeds like RIR (though I had a Brown Leghorn who was an absolute gem.) I wouldn’t want a crested chicken because of the vaulted skull. As much as I love the cuteness and colored eggs of the fluffy cheeked varieties (Salmon Faverolle, Ameraucana, Easter Egger, Auracana), I’ve read they have health issues, too, so kinda torn on those.

I know this thread isn’t asking for what we do want, but moving forward I’m very interested in Livestock Conservancy heritage breeds who should live long healthy lives and not burn themselves out with excessive laying. I cannot get myself to buy store bought eggs (I call them torture eggs), so last winter when egg production was low, I used egg replacer in my cookies and it worked great! Ok, I know I sound like a stereotypical Californian!

Having said all that, if I were to raise birds as livestock instead of the pets that mine are, I think I’d probably want a dual purpose breed so we could eat the boys.
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I’ve never been a fan of commercial strain Red Sex Links they are supposedly a cross between Rhode Island Reds and single combed Rhode Island Whites. They are human friendly birds, but they are done right nasty to other chickens. Not to mention they are spent at 4 years of age if they don’t die from complications from being a high production layer.
Let’s see—there’s no breeds I actually hate because every individual bird can be different. However I agree I wouldn’t own a production breed or hybrid, (specifically red star or Cornish x) neither would I buy those designer cross breeds that they sell on MPC for 20 bucks each.
We had a red star who was obnoxiously loud. We used to do a thing where we sent our birds back to a farmer for the winter because we weren’t at our summer home anymore. When we came back the next summer, “Paint” could not be found. Probably succumbed to some reproductive disorder like our leghorn did.
Naked necks are slightly gross. Dong Tao are grosser. Although Ayam Cemani are overrated, they do look cool. Same goes for silkies.
My silkies are cute, but as many have said, stupid broody and dumber than rocks (Not saying much, all my chickens have the intelligence levels of rocks). They were the first to catch diseases and first to be killed by the weasel that got in the barn. (Granted, they were old biddies. But still) Our bantam polish was the next one to go. We found her to be curious, bold and friendly ever since she was a chick. We had another one too in her batch of chicks, but she had scissor beak and the poor miserable wretch did not survive long.
As for feathered legs—I don’t see them get as dirty. Maybe because I don’t free range much. However I do think full-on boots look better than half heartedly, sparsely feathered legs.
I’ve never been a fan of commercial strain Red Sex Links they are supposedly a cross between Rhode Island Reds and single combed Rhode Island Whites. They are human friendly birds, but they are done right nasty to other chickens. Not to mention they are spent at 4 years of age if they don’t die from complications from being a high production layer.
I'm reading a lot of this thread and a lot of people say things about leg horns and silkies, I would love to know whats wrong about them so I could be prepared, some breeds I don't like are RIR, I just don't like the color.. good experience with them but the color just... mine have always gotten dirty to and ive never gotten a roo out of my RIR hatchings before so none but 1 hen were ever rude.

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