What chicken do I get!?

I have two dominiques and one buff orpington. Interesting that so many describe the orpingtons as friendly, mine is flightier and less friendly than the dominiques. The dominiques are easy to handle and pick up, and always underfoot, while the orpington stays just out of reach and is jumpier. Sweet when you actually get your hands on her. We got the orpington as a peep and she was handled LOTS by a small child, the dominiques came as 1 yr olds that hadn't been handled as much. The dominiques are also a lot more talkative, the orpington is quieter and more in the background. Both of mine are cold hardy breeds, they did ok over the summer, never got distressed, but had access to shade and water, were outside where they could find a cool spot. The orpington prefers raspberries and sweeter stuff, the dominques tomatoes and anything FISH. Interesting how different the breeds are!
I live in Sothern Utah. I live close to other houses so quiet is nice and less complaints from neighbors. I don't live in a farm so I can't free range or anything.
Oh Yeah, If the chicken matures early that's a big plus! Thx for all the help! Keep it coming!
Have you been to feathersite.com? It has photos of all the breeds. also get Storey's illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds at your library, pick a breed you like to look at.
If you want (keep in mind these arn't the only chickens that lay these color eggs, just an idea)
Here is a little chart I made just now to help you choose a breed:

Chocolate-colored eggs---get Marans.
Terracotta eggs---Welsummers
Blue eggs---Arucanas
Green eggs---Amerucanas
White eggs---Leghorns.

If you want Chickens with
Adorableness- get Silkies, Seramas, D'uccle, or any sort of little bantam
Personality---get Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Old English Games
Beautiful Feather patterns--- Sebrights, Laced Wyandottes (they come in Blue Laced Red, Silver laced, Golden laced and more!)
Friendliness---raise them from chicks and hold them alot!
Hilarity--get Polish or Frizzle cochins!
Good egg-laying---Red or Black sexlinks (AKA Red/Black Stars), White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Orpingtons
Uniqueness---Naked necks, better yet a naked neck Frizzle, Modern Games, Silkies, Jersey Giants, Polish
Cuddliness (if you, like me, will want to cuddle the chickens)---Cochins, Silkies, Orpingtons.
Calmness---Faverolles are said to be very calm.
Who like hot weather---Bantams!

If you are interested in small breeds look up Seramas. They are very small and could probably handle the hot weather better.
I really like my Silkies, but they don't like hot weather. However, they could probably handle it if you gave them a fan, lots of shade, lots of cold water, and room to dush bathe. Silkies are just very sweet! Very good for kids.

Good luck with whatever breed(s) you choose. Have fun! Chickens are AWESOME!

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