What color am I?

As long as you can provide good ventilation without drafts actually on the chickens, most of them can handle much colder temps without problem. You can often cause more trouble than help by either sealing things up too tight or adding heat. (Says the guy in FL.)

It's a good thing I don't live where it snows I guess.. I probably would have rotisserie'd my chickens by accident!
haha, I didn't even think about that- different colored eggs every day, now that would be cool but I know its not possible. Thanks for the answer, I thought I read somewhere that they can have olive eggs (olive egger only? or easter eggers too? I'm new to the breed so maybe they are the same?) I named my little EE Olive, how fitting would it be if she laid olive colored eggs.
They are the same thing, the Olive Egger is basically an Easter Egger that lays Olive colored eggs. Yes that would be very fitting. I named my 8 day old EE chick Eggness.

Here's my EE her colors are gorgeous I've never seen one like it

I am falling in love with EE's, this is Olive on my shoulder after only 3 days of having her! She's so friendly!

(((disregard the mess and her temporary housing
They are all so pretty. Love them. I wanted a guarantee of blue eggs. So I hunted down an Ameraucana breeder & purchased a Lavender. She is super cute & friendly. All 3 of my EE are sweet sometimes. Like a cat. Lol.

I am falling in love with EE's, this is Olive on my shoulder after only 3 days of having her! She's so friendly!

(((disregard the mess and her temporary housing
Hey that's what my chick house looks like!! A clear plastic bin with food and water and a heat lamp!!
It actually works very well for us because I put a baby gate over the top of it, they sit right next to the backdoor and the dogs go in and out. So by the time they are moved outside, everyone is comfortable with each other!

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