What color Brahma!?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 18, 2010
Southern ME
I've got a Brahma chick thats about 2weeks old now. I asked the people I got her from what color she was and they couldn't tell me
I tried looking up pictures but they all vary. so here is what she looks like! I cant seem to figure out how to post pics so if anyone can explain that to me I'll post one! but until then! She is a lighter Gray with a white face.. Lighter on the belly than on her back. her feathers coming in now are wings all a darker gray color with some light highlights and now yesterday a few feathers on her shoulder popped out and they are white... So I don't know??? I'm thinking a light brahma? but again I'm not sure so help
shes the cutest little thing and the most friendly out of all my chicks! shes got the feathered feet and is just adorable! I names her Dolly officially
She doesn't look like my light brahma did as a chick, so I'm going to say dark brahma.

Here is my light brahma as a chick (white and gray one in the front:

And now:
No, not a dark brahma. From your description and the pic, I'd go with a light. The lights start out with the yellow, the buffs are more gold in color. The darks have no yellow or gold on them at all; even as day olds.

Here's a pic of a dark brahma (cockerel, not that it makes a difference at that age) at just a few days old:


In the feed trough behind him you can see a light brahma chick.

Hope this helps.
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It looks just like my light brahma. Up until last week, I assumed the hatchery sent me the wrong bird because its color was so unlike any light brahma I have ever seen. it's feathers are now starting to come in and its clear that its a light brahma. It just seems that it will have a lot more black feathers than normal.
Alrighty then, it's a darker light brahma chick.

They can look awful dark as youngsters, but the white feathers do eventually overtake the dark.

The thing is, dark brahmas are the only ones of the three common colors in the US - light, buff and dark - where the males and females feather in completely different from the each other. You can sex the darks alot earlier than the other two colors because of this.
Darks are darks and really, other than the feathered feet, to me they look like a completely seperate breed.

That little boy in my pic is now a 13 lb. monster.
That little one in the feed trough looks ALOT like mine now. shes a week and a half older than in the pic i posted. and she has two little white feathers on her shoulders that showed up yesterday. So i def and thinking a light. its amazing how much they can change colors from baby fluff to adult feathers.. my Aracauna (EE) was dark brown wen i got her as a few days old. now shes a month old and the only thing dark brown is her wings and the top of her head. her belly is all a orangish color with speckles almost! and the orange is even in her wings

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