what color is this bird?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 9, 2009
Metro Detroit
I rescued a pile of chicks from a mixed flock earlier this spring. One of them has turned into this gorgeous animal. Any idea what mix it may be? or what color it is? or how I could create more of these? How about gender? I'm leaning towards hen, since the other confirmed roo in the bunch has a bright red comb at 9.5 weeks.

I suppose I should have been more specific with my question - what are the genetics required to create this color, and how would I go about recreating it?
I'm going to guess EE cockerel, and if it is an EE, there's almost no way of know for sure what genetics are involved. That's half the fun of EEs, you never know for sure what you'll get. But some of the more experienced genetics folks might be able to tell you what color hens to put him with to at least have a chance at reproducing it, however.
I'm going to go with EE Roo too. I had one similar to this and didn't know what in the world it was at first either lol. I learned that almost anytime you have a bird that is "splashy", it is most always a cockerel. Also seeing the blueish legs leads us to EE. He does have a really neat fluffy head which may suggests some Silkie in the mix. He is GORGEOUS no matter what he is!
I am no professional but if I had to guess it is:

Blue Cooper Marans x Polish

Blue Cooper Marans x Silkie

Blue Wheaton Ameraucana x Polish

Blue Wheaton Ameraucana x Silkie

As with all blue and black genetics it could come from blue black or splash of the above hens or roosters. The reason I say it could be a Polish cross is no feathered legs????? I am thinking the Wheaton pattern because of the solid blue chest. But you can never be 100% sure with EE. Hope this helps.
Thanks, everyone. I think I managed to track down the egg supplier, though I'll never know for sure. The woman who hatched them said she got the eggs on craigslist - and I think I may have found the ad. looks like they have the following flock. based on size, I'm going to rule out the polish frizzle (though I want one of those like I've never wanted a chicken before. if I could get a polish frizzle with the color on my bird, i'd think i'd died and gone to chicken heaven)

Rhode Island Red hens (GREAT egg layers)
Turken hens
Brahma hens
Silver Laced Wyandotte hen

Blue Wheaton Ameracauna Roo
Silkie Roo
Polish frizzle bantam - Roo

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