What color Orpington is this chick?


8 Years
Jul 19, 2015
North Central Florida
One of the feed stores had chicks yesterday - Buff Orpingtons, Australorp, and EEs. One of the Orpingtons had a lavender stripe down it's back so I grabbed it but I'm not sure what it's future coloration will be. Any ideas?
One of the feed stores had chicks yesterday - Buff Orpingtons, Australorp, and EEs. One of the Orpingtons had a lavender stripe down it's back so I grabbed it but I'm not sure what it's future coloration will be. Any ideas?
Probably not Lavender Orpingtons...they don't usually sell those in feed stores. You may need to wait until it feathers out and then repost pics.
I agree, especially since Murray McMurray doesn't offer lavenders and that's where they get their chicks. Perhaps it's not an Orpington at all. I'll update in a few weeks with pics.
McMurray Hatchery have videos on YouTube to help identify your chicks. Just search for them, click on their name and click on Videos to see them. It looks to be a very cute chick. Hope you can solve your little mystery.
McMurray Hatchery have videos on YouTube to help identify your chicks. Just search for them, click on their name and click on Videos to see them. It looks to be a very cute chick. Hope you can solve your little mystery.

I looked at the videos and different breeds, thinking maybe it was a bonus mystery chick, as they sometimes do. No luck. It is feathering in reddish and lavender mottled on the wings. I can't decide if it will be pretty out horrendous looking lol. Of course, the initial feathering isn't always what they'll look like as adults. I'll update once more feathers are in.

ETA it does look a little like some, but not most, pictures of blue laced red Wyandotte chicks.
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