What color would they produce?


6 Years
Aug 18, 2017
Gansevoort, NY
If I were to breed a black Silkie cockerel with a Partridge Silkie Hen, What would their offspring look like? I think it should also be noted, that the black cockerel does have a considerable amount of brown leakage. Thank you


Hope this helps! The second one is easiest. I know there is a longer version that can tell you comb types and how many toes type stuff from things that are crossed farther apart. But I think this is the simplest.

In my experience you'r basically gonna get black with some leakage.

Thank you! I was thinking that I may even get a dark partidge because my black cockeral has so much brown leakage that he almost looks like a partridge.
Leakage and partridge aren't the same thing.

My friend has crossed blue hen with a partridge father and NONE of her Silkies come out partridge. To me all though it's fine... they are essentially Silkie mutts (kinda like Ameraucana not bred to their standard). :p Hers are either black or blue and some with leakage. Nice enough and sometimes more unique than the pure varieties. :pop
If I were to breed a black Silkie cockerel with a Partridge Silkie Hen, What would their offspring look like? I think it should also be noted, that the black cockerel does have a considerable amount of brown leakage. Thank you

The chicks will hatch black, but when adult will have even more amount of brown leakage, almost birchen

Like this Leaky black Sumatra..


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