What colour are my eyes?

My eyes are just like yours but, on a cloudy day they appear brown - on a bright , sunny day they are green. My son's eyes are blue but, in bright light they seem almost light gray.
Interesting... Yeah the camera i used has a pretty bright light so they look brighter but yeah, if it's darker they look pretty dull lol
Well, no eye is exactly one color. The pigment is a person's eye is often different shades/variation of a color. For example, your eyes are green, but the shades of green shown tend to be more of grayish, bluish green--but they're still green.
My mom's eyes used to be bluish, but they r now green. The funny thing tho is they change hues with her moods. The can be a misty gray green, up to a turquoise looking color. Of course mine are brown tho thanks to my dad lol

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