What Could Be Wrong with my Hen?


10 Years
Oct 14, 2009
Gainesville, Florida
I have a lethargic hen (about a year and half old) that has runny poop (there is a feather that dropped in the end of her poop in the picture). She has a few lice (maybe 3 total from what I saw). She's not eating and drinking much, but I was able to get her to clean a few drops of electrolyte water off of her beak earlier. She seems to be taking long breaths, but I hear no wheezing and she doesn't seem labored for breath. I separated her from my flock last night and have now brought her inside to stay warm. She gets up for a few minutes and then lays down.


None of the other hens seem abnormal at all. Any ideas?

I've got her in a bin with a heating pad under a towel underneath her. After I'm sure she's nice and warm, I am going to try and give her some electrolyte water and moist cat food.
The green in her stool is probably from not eating much, but the normally white urates look yellow. Has she had problems in her laying eggs, such as thin-shelled, shell-less eggs, or any broken eggs inside her? Was she laying recently? Has she lost weight recently, or has she been overweight? It's food that she is inside for warmth where you can watch how much she eat,drink, and her droppings. Adding some water to her usual chicken feed plus a bit of chopped egg would be good, along with the electrolytes. There are quite a few illnesses that can affect chickens, such as internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, and liver disease. If her droppings are as pale yellow as they look in the picture, I would wonder about one of those, as there might be egg material in the stool. Is there a local vet that could see her?
I am not sure when she layed last. All the hens have eased up on laying with the cold. She does not seem to have lost weight. There are a few local vets, but every single chicken I have taken to the vet has died shortly after getting better. History keeps repeating itself.
I got her to drink some electrolyte water and eat a little bit of moist cat food. I'll try the egg yolk in the morning. She is a little wobbly when she does stand up. She seems to react to noises and movements pretty nicely though.
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UPDATE: My hen has been having bowel movements (very runny) throughout the night. Maybe 5 so far since 9PM last night. She is drinking electrolyte water with a little assistance. She just (sorry to sound gross) had a bowel movement that looked like egg yolks. This sounds like she is egg bound from what I have read. Is that possible? If so, would an epsom salt bath help?
Actually, that can be a sign of internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis. If you wish to check her for egg binding, then put on a disposable glove, and insert one finger an inch or so into the vent, and you should feel an egg if it is there. She may be having runny stools because she is not eating well. Antibiotics such as Baytril (enrofloxacin) and others are sometimes used to treat infection and prolong life, but there is no cure. Here are some links to read:

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